Chinese Journal of Medical History / Zhong Hua Yi Shi Za Zhi

[This article belongs to Volume - 53, Issue - 08]

Abstract : The aim of the study was to identify the risk factors for neonatal morbidity associated with the four main causes of mortality in Morocco. Intrauterine hypoxia, prematurity, puerinatal infection and neonatal jaundice account for 90% of neonatal deaths in Morocco. Factors associated with intrauterine hypoxia include : maternal anemia (OR :1.8 CI to 95% :1.5,3.2), placental infarction (OR :1.2 CI to 95% :1.1,2.2), parental smoking (OR :3.9 CI to95% :3.2,6.9), intrauterine growth retardation (OR :5. 6 CI to 95% :5.1,7.3) and gestational diabetes (OR :4.9, CI to95% :5.01,7.5), with regard to neonatal jaundice, the risk factors gravitate around hyperbilirubinemia (OR :1.6 CI to95% :1.2,2.5), premature birth less than 37weeks (OR :4. 6 CI to95% :3.4,7.1), congenital hemolytic anemia (OR :3.2 CI to 95% :3.1,4.2), and blood type incompetence (OR :2.4 CI to 95% :2.2,3.9). For risk factors of puerinatal infection, the study highlighted the association with maternal age less than 25years (OR :3. 5 CI to 95% :2.7,4.3), bacterial vaginosis (OR :4.2 CI to 95% :3.9,7.5), Placenta Preavia (OR :7.2 CI to 95% :5.3,8.5), and prenatal consultation frequency less than two visits (OR :6.4 CI to 95% :5.2,6.9. With regard to risk factors for neonatal infection, Escherichia coli, isolated by Cyto-Bacteriological examination, was the cause of 973 (31.9%) neonatal infections. The study highlighted several factors: premature rupture of membranes beyond 12 hours, (OR:5. 4 CI to 95%:4.2,6.3), gestational age less than 37 weeks of amenorrhea (OR:4.6 CI to 95%:3.4,7.1), on the other hand, cesarean section was a protective factor against puerinatal infection (OR:0.3 CI to 95%:0.1,0.4).